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About Joanna

I help people align their lives and holistic business practices, and bring them in sync with their heart and spirit, unlocking a path of direction and purpose, of unparalleled joy and freedom. Where their hearts sing and their spirits soar.


Through a unique mix of holistic, heart-centered mentoring and Martha Beck Wayfinder Master Life coaching, I guide people to make powerful transformations in their lives and practices – removing the mindsets and patterns that hold them back, creating heart-singing work or businesses they didn’t dare believe they could create, curating relationships that fully fill their souls and connecting to spirit for divine answers, insight and guidance. 


I help make what seems impossible to you right now not only possible… but DONE. Incredible changes that bring you to a life of authenticity, integrity, truth and purpose - where you begin to realize just how dazzling you really are.


But I didn’t start out feeling that way myself. Until I found my path, my road was rocky indeed.

Joanna Shipley - Life Coach
Sheila Cooper.png
“I always leave Joanna feeling totally empowered.”

“Joanna is extremely knowledgeable and  she speaks from the heart. I feel very comfortable in her presence, and she makes me feel like I am capable of anything.


I always leave Joanna's workshops and coaching feeling totally empowered, like I've learned something from someone who holds real wisdom, and I always look forward to the next session as I know I will learn and expand even more.”


Sheila Cooper, Homeopath, UK

Tish Dragonette.png
“She’s intuitive, compassionate and truthful.”

“One of my favorite things about working with Joanna is her gift to calmly provide a safe space to uncover the deeper reason I sought her help. Each time I come away with insight to move forward.  She’s intuitive, compassionate and truthful. 


What sets her apart is her gift to call upon her wealth of knowledge and training from coaching to shamanism to one to one natural medicine. She has the ability to pivot within a session based on her client’s needs in the moment.” 

Tish Dragonette, USA 

Evelyn Glick.png
“ Deep reflection
and higher

"Nothing is more powerful than a conversation that opens one's heart to expand. I had the immense pleasure to have a session with the wonderful Joanna that was a perfect example of that. Her compassion, wisdom, and guidance allow for deep reflection and higher self-awareness.


Thank you, Joanna. I am so very grateful."




Evelyn Glick, USA 

How I Got Here

I’ve always been searching for “more” to life. Even as a child, I knew there was a purpose to my life… if only I could put my finger on it. So I went through most of my life searching, experimenting, striving to tap into that deep sense of inner purpose.

That winding path of exploration took me many places. 


Before I began to follow my inner wisdom, I (unsurprisingly!) spent a good deal of time in the corporate world as a PR and Marketing manager for the private sector as well as NHS hospitals and health authorities. I certainly grew in the arena of business expertise, reaching quite a level of success there, but still I felt out-of-tune with myself. I knew this wasn’t me… but I didn’t know what “me” was.


The corporate world didn’t suit my soul at the time, but my passion for transformation and working with people was well and truly kindled. So, I left that career and ventured into the Army - second to none for its ability to develop leadership and to get to know people - what makes them tick (and what makes them happy).


In the midst of my Army career, I kept searching for something more - reading widely, even delving into new age everything  and even mediumship with the Spiritualist Church to try to find the key to what was missing. I eventually landed on Shamanism which became personal path for many years.

Still the world of large organisations didn’t suit me. I wanted to make a difference in a way that would help on a deeper level, so I secretly studied homeopathy while at staff college in the UK, to prepare me for the next evolution of my career. 


I retrained for 3 years to earn my BSc in Integrated Medicine with a focus on homeopathy and qualified as an RSHom homeopath and set up my first practice. 

As I had a military husband I had to move every 1-2 years  - so I got very good at setting up new practices in new locations throughout the UK. My business background helped me make them all successful, despite juggling family and the demands of single parenting (as hubby was deployed on operational tours).  To build each practice, I worked with all sorts of marketing methods - from online to talks, coffee mornings, stalls in local fairs and every networking opportunity I could find.

​Eventually, though, I experienced burnout, underpay, overwork and over-responsibility.  All the things that take the joy and fulfilment out of a practice. 

This had to stop! 


So I learned how to drop the subconscious ethos of scarcity and poverty and instead worked on seeking a fair exchange.  I increased my prices and became busier than I’d ever been. I finally started earning a proper income.  I created bespoke courses for patients and those interested in finding out more.


While doing that, I also became a homeopathy college lecturer, tutor and supervisor, teaching under- and post-grads across the UK.  I discovered that being a (good!) homeopath didn’t equip me with all the best tools for helping my supervises and students - so to expand myself, I started to train as a coach.  Not just any coaching, but the kind of coaching that follows those in a holistic health practice as it addresses the mental, emotional, physical and nervous systems as well as connection to spirit.


And I found I loved working with those seeking the change of life direction to truly reflect their life purpose, path and heart and soul’s desires. To do what they were born to do.


It’s been quite a path these last few decades. Equus Coaching is the latest adventure!  But through it all, I know from experience that whenever I listen to my heart, my life has more joy, more peace and more freedom. And that is the signal which helps me know without a moment of doubt that I’m on the right track.

Which brings me to you....

Why I do This Work

My vision is that each person (or business!) I work with becomes more true to themselves. More heartfelt, more heart-connected, more authentic, more natural, more full of personal integrity or wholeness… more them. Moving ever closer to becoming what they’ve always dreamed of being. 


When you connect with your true purpose - when you’re in tune with your own deep internal compass - you can find your way in this world, the right way for you. And those who truly have found their way step forward into the world to make it a better place, a safer place, a more healed place.


As you get in touch with your personal truths and develop a heart-centered connection you can always depend on, you naturally step forward and make the world a better place too. You can reach your potential and offer more to the world, something powerful and meaningful and real. 

Joanna Shipley - Life Coach
Joanna Shipley - Life Coach

And that, for me, is true and deep healing. The world needs this. And so that is where I choose to serve.

I continue to do this work because I love witnessing people’s transformations - and if they have businesses, the transformation there as well. 

Watching them finding their own path, letting go of what holds them stuck, seeing their whole face and being light up when they find what truly works for them. (It’s amazing how much younger people look after they’ve had these transformational experiences and how much more fun life is!)


And when I hear about my clients’ successes, when I can watch healing happen and hear about how they overcome obstacles and challenges… I just know it’s what I’m here for.

What Makes Me Different

Because of the lifelong “winding path” I traveled to get to where I am now, I bring a wide range of approaches to the work I do with clients.


My mix of holistic approach + Martha Beck life coaching tools + teaching is a unique combination. (I’m a certified Martha Beck Mastercoach and Wayfinder Life Coach Instructor as well.)


I have a (first class honours) degree in Integrated Health and a Diploma in Adult Education. I’ve spent my time in corporations, the civil service, in the Army and lecturing, tutoring and supervising at college. I’ve also had over 20 years of non-stop training with spiritual mentors and teachers from all over the world.


All this creates a mix that allows me to go deep and connect with clients from all walks of life, from all faiths, in all kinds of circumstances. My clinical experience gives me a background in working sensitively with life’s most difficult issues, traumas and ‘darkest’ thoughts.


Working with soldiers and officers, hospital trust CEO’s and Chairmen, civil servants, antenatal education and childbirth, and (literally)  thousands of clients means NOTHING shocks me. I’ve heard it all before, so we can quickly engage with whatever’s going on for you and find out the best next steps for you.                                             

In short, I listen. I hold a space for my clients so we can dive deep and stay grounded. I intuitively seek what’s most important to focus on now. I empower my clients by giving them options and choices for what to work on first with fabulous tools to get them clear, and sometimes surprising, answers. I can lead coaching sessions effectively so that you get the most out of our time together.


And I bring a blend of empathy and creativity that leads to unlocking those life transformations that we’re all seeking. Together, we’ll blend the spiritual with the practical and come out the other side with a clear sense of purpose and direction.

What I believe

I believe we are all here for a purpose. We ALL have unique skills and zones of genius that can create a life of joy and freedom when we can connect deeply with that purpose.

I believe a mix of Martha Beck Wayfinder coaching and a heart-centered holistic view can take us all closer to that place of clear purpose.


I believe we ALL have access to help, healing, wisdom and guidance, gained through developing and deepening our relationship with our heart and our spirit.

I believe that every single person who connects with their heart or spirit steps out into the world happier, more healed, more whole. 

I believe this has a ripple effect, so the world becomes more healed, whole and happy. 


I believe everything we experience is part of what makes us perfect. Nothing is wasted. 

And that there are ways to learn life’s lessons more quickly, and move our lives forward in a more clear, connected and heartfelt way.

I believe that when we are on track with who we really are, life is easier. It’s more fun. More peaceful. More joyful. Freer. Synchronicities happen.  We get a leg up from the Universe. Things just somehow fall into place, naturally.

And I believe that ALL the answers are within us, we just need a little bit of help to excavate them - and compassionate, clear support to encourage us take those next steps.

Are We Kindred Spirits?

I struggled for over 25 years to find the work of my heart. I couldn’t connect to spirit naturally, and I didn’t think it was possible for me until I found the ways I use now.


During that time, I have experienced depression, post-natal depression and even contemplated suicide at my worst moments. I had a ream of dismal, failed relationships before spirit guided me towards something better.


I have felt stuck, numb, dead, and tired. I chased what I hoped would make me feel better - drinking, partying, extreme exercise (military training), salary, even working 110-hour weeks in an attempt to “have it all”.


And none of it was working. And nothing did work, until I found a way to connect with heart and spirit and learn to listen for guidance and direction from deep within.


Perhaps you’re a kindred spirit. Perhaps you’ve been trying to find your way for a long time now. Perhaps you’re wondering if it’s possible for you to find your purpose and unlock your own life transformation.

If you are, there’s something I need to tell you: 

You already know all the answers you seek. All of them. And you can find them easily with time, commitment and guidance.

If you would like some help and guidance to unlock the answers for you, then please get in touch.  There’s so much we can do together.


With love,

Joanna Shipley

Joanna Shipley - Life Coach

P.S.  I also have a Sunday Loveletter I send out to all my subscribers where I write to your heart from mine.  It's irregular, wide ranging and I receive lots of replies.  Sign up via my newsletter.

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