Find Out What Your Heart's Trying to Tell You - Free Zoom Webinar, 2pm 8 May UK time

heart first business heart intelligence heart led ideal life life coaching life purpose living space tool martha beck wayfinder life coach Apr 29, 2024

Come and join me for a free Zoom call to get some clues to what your heart wants to say to you.

Whether you're aware of it or not, your living space is full of details about what holds you back and what will set you free! There is an almost magical and creative tool to help you explore and move forward that I can't wait to share with you.

In this live zoom gathering I'll guide you to explore, observe and solve aspects that create patterns in different areas of your life. You can choose to focus on your work space or your home space, or even other places you hang out like your car!

You'll uncover:

💚 what's holding you back in life
💚 emotions that get in the way
💚 insight into how to move forward
💚 practical and easy steps to make changes to move your life forward in line with your heart

If you can make the LIVE call I'll be able to give you some personal input and guidance to help you make bigger steps, and we'll have some fun along the way.

A recording will be made available for those who can't make the live call provided you sign up in advance.

No strings. No sales. Just turn up and explore. The more your heart gets to shape your life and decisions the happier and easier your life will be.

Simply sign up for free here.