The full moon this Easter - and how to weave it deeper into your work and your life. ceremony easter full moon full moon ceremony holistic business coaching holistic business moon moon and work moon rituals nature Apr 06, 2023

***Pssst - I've put together a little Moon playlist for you at the end to enjoy!

A couple of nights ago I saw the moon, nearly full. For the first time in a long while I felt her* power.

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Primroses and Therapists: an update on my next steps working with homeopaths and others... business coaching coaching practice enoughness grow your business from your heart homeopath homeopathy life coaching money coaching nature spiritual magic Apr 12, 2022

Are you a therapist, homeopath, coach or healer working 1:1 with clients?  If so, I have some news!

It's been a little while since I wrote.  I've been busy, melting down and...

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