Your Summer Writing Adventure & Challenge for Peace and Ease... 'FREEDOM THROUGH WRITING' this August.

coaching free challenge freedomthroughwriting journalling for business journalling for health journalling for peace morning pages proprioceptive writing self coaching Jul 29, 2023

Do you want more freedom, peace and joy.  A way to play and move forward ... and all for free?

Whether you're an old friend, a coaching client of mine or new to my world I'm sharing ways to weave in writing.

Starting in August you'll learn new ways or be reminded of practices to boost your mental, emotional and even physical ease and freedom in your work, your practice and your home life.

You can see it as a (mostly) daily small challenge to enhance your wellbeing and energy.  And I'll be here to catch you when you get stuck, to answer questions and hear how you're getting on.

And. All. For. Free.

Writing out our stream of consciousness helps us to process information.

I'll share such things as the Morning Pages, Proprioceptive Writing, Expressive Writing and Journal Prompts.  These can take from 5-45 minutes a day so you'll always find something to help.  They're even scientifically proven to help your sleep, has a positive impact on physical ailments like asthma and arthritis, and is effective if you have a lot on your mind or feel stuck.

I use this alongside coaching. It's part of my personal self coaching regime (even if I don't actually coach myself one thing good coaches do is hold presence so you can express what is going on for you).  It helps me stay in equilibrium and peace.  It helps me process difficult emotions, awkward situations and to find inspiration for the best days I've had for a while.

Some techniques need good old fashioned pen and paper (pictured is my favourite, trusty fountain pen - my former patients will remember this from my 9 hour working days in clinic where I'd always end up with purple fingers after writing fluently all day!); some techniques can be done electronically.

This is what I'd love you to do TODAY. 


#1 Find some paper and a pen that you love to hold. 

Look out a pen that glides across the page and paper that is easy to write upon.  This makes it attractive sensually.

You may have some tucked away, or immediately at hand.  You may have an old journal.  You may have a pen you love.  Or is a stationery shop calling out to you for new supplies?! (I personally love a good staitionery shop - it always feels like a treat to go!)

For the first method you'll need A4 paper, others are less fussy. 

Posh or new isn't important. I'm busy using up old GCSE school books that the kids wanted to burn (we compromised and they burned some!).  NO ONE ELSE WILL SEE YOUR WORK so it doesn't have to look pretty.

#2 Set aside some time.  

I've discovered first thing in the morning, before anyone else is awake, before I turn on a phone is ideal.  I can be in bed, or let the dog out and sit with her downstairs.  I usually make myself a cup of green tea to sip alongside which makes it a cosy, heart-warming experience.

Others I work with find this time works best in the evening, when small people are in bed.  Or last thing at night before sleep.  But a lunch hour, or any time you can schedule according to your day's programme will be fine.  Just make sure you mark out some time.

#3 Find a place

There's nothing like a clear desk, or an expanse of clear dining room table, to allow your mind to rest while you write.

Or you may want to practice a little set up in your bed - I find having an extra pillow or cushion on my lap when in bed or on the sofa as a 'desk' helps.

You could have a few ideas.  But research shows that planning a time and a place set the scene.

#4 Set a habit

James Clear tells us the best way to make a good habit stick is to:

  1. Make it obvious - Set the place and time.  "Park on a downhill" as my writing coach and friend Dr Lizzy Tanguay says -  
  2. Make it attractive - You've chosen great paper, a delightful pen and a lovely place.
  3. Make it easy - leave your book open, ready to write. Tell your family what you're doing so you're not disturbed.  Ask me for help and support along the way.
  4. Make it satisfying - this will come with doing.  But you can ADD to this.  How about a lovely latte once you're done, or a walk around the garden in bare feet?  Whatever little reward rocks your boat this feeds your dopamine reward system and helps you to continue.


Invite your friends, family and patients to join.  Share this as a freebie in your own newsletters.  Tell the world as everyone can benefit.  

I'll be sharing tips with you on Instagram and Facebook so do follow me there.  

Enjoy - and do let me know what you think!  I always read and reply to my emails.

With love

Joanna x


P.S. Remember to put this in your diary for August.  The challenge is to write as I guide you every day in August (and you're welcome to write while on holiday or postpone and pick up when you get back!).

P.P.S.  Here's a playlist I like sometimes for writing alongside.  Mostly I prefer silence.  And if I'm feeling I need some bustle this cafe background album is fabulous.

P.P.S.  Do forward this email to friends a family - share the love and invite your friends to sign up here.