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Work With Me

As a coach I happen to know you have your very best answers inside of you already.  It may not seem like it right now.  These pearls of wisdom may be hidden, buried, confused and elusive, but your truest, most genuine inner voice is always there.  And what coaching does best is to remove what gets in the way of this so you find your most natural, ideally suited answers.  And I have a secret weapon*.


​For sure, I have a few tools and ideas and powerful questions to help you along the way. But my job is to be deeply present, to listen to where you are in the moment and in the arc of the session and the overall arc of all your sessions and help you get clear on what you truly want and live that life as soon as you can.  You will feel better, easier, lighter, more certain and more courageous – and all the better for a space that doesn’t give advice.


*And for those that are able to attend in person, there is the somewhat magical, secret weapon of a horse – which one client has said ‘is the equivalent of 10 zoom calls’ – for some Equus coaching here.  Whether you’re a horse first timer or experienced horse trainer these sessions work with every cell in your being.  See my blog article for more.

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